Kurds who have lived in a relationship with the Turks for over a thousand years beyond brotherhood; It is an Asian people, especially those located in the regions bordering Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. The Kurds have been in habituating this mountainous land for a very long time. These large regions, which stretch from Turkmen steps in northern Iran to the Gulf of Iskenderun and where various tribes have come and gone since ancient times, have probably been travelled by Kurdish tribes, like other races.
In the historical process, if we try to define the area where the Kurds reside, we cannot stand for Kurdistan. Because the Kurds have a variable structure as a place in the historical period. Therefore, it is very difficult to use that phrase for any g
eography. There is no geography called Kurdistan until the Seljuk Sultan Sencer period (1117-1157). But Sultan Sencer; Hemedan named the region covering the cities of Kirmaşâh, Dinver, Sinjar and Sherhizâr. 14. By the 19th century, hamdullah kazvini's book Nuzhet'l Kulub mentions that the region, called Kurdistan, consists of 16 towns. Western r
esearchers, who have researched the origins of the Kurds and the geography they lived in before they went on the history stage with the Turks, also failed to agree on the definition of Kurdistan. In fact, some researchers, such as Basil Nikitin, a leading orientalist, talk about the impossibility of uncovering such a geographical name. The oldest ev
idence we have about the origin of the Kurds and their oldest dormitories is the 7th century Turkish tombstones from the branches of Yenisey River, located within the borders of the Tuva Republic of the Russian federation in 1888, in the valley of elegeşt river. . The longest written of these tombstones, which has 32, is a sentence like this.
"I am The Kurdish provincial-Inn Alp-Urungi, I tied my golden arrow to my waist" If w
e open this inscription a little more, the Turkish waist lying in the grave says that the Kurds from his own mouth are hakan. If a foundation or basis is sought for the investigations to be carried out for the origin and homeland of the Kurds, the Yenisey Inscriptions should be based firs
t. When the Turks began to migrate greatly towards Anatolia, there were Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians in this geography. In other words, the Kurds came to the region following the Turks. The Kurds' resettlement in today's geography is a huge part of forcing the Byzantine of the Seljuks to retreat. The Turkish Principalities established in the region did not see the Kurds as separate from them and described them as brothers. A deep union that never confronted turks and Kurds, even if they were never competing against each other, the factor of dynamism, the integrity of very comprehensive relations, and separate races for the beer. provided. Depending on population density and lifestyle, some Kurdish tribes have been Turkized from
time to time, and some Turkish obas have become Kurdish. Throughout history, the Turkish-Kurdish brotherhood has been wanted to be divided, these people have been tried to retreat into conflict, but they have never been successful. The only reason for this failure is the very strong historical union between turks and Kurds. The main reason for the discrimination imposed by the West in particular is to create a new ethnic element that will serve different interests in this regio
n. These people lived brotherly for centuries within the borders of the Seljuk ottoman empire and the State of the Republic of Turkey. This relationship was so firm and profound that in local dimensions, sometimes turks became Kurds and sometimes Kurds became Turks. The Kurds, Seljuk-Crusader, Seljuk-Mongolian, Ottoman-Safevi, Ottoman-Western struggles have always stood by the Turks. They were martyred together in World War I. They were with the Turks again when the new Turkish State was established. Because in all these struggles, they were protecting their own state and building their own new states. The Republic of Turkey, the newest of the Turkish States, has protected even relatives of Kurdish citizens outside the border, which they always consider to be the main element of the state, just like the Turkish states befor
e it.Now the southeast problem very careful at the solution point. While the economic situation of the region, education level, sociological structure and terrorist organization are the main problem, solutions should not be sought at different points while looking for solutions related to them. Otherwise, the knot that needs to be resolved could become a blindk.
Kurdish Issue!

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