

Turkish culture, which was formed over centuries in Central Asia, gained a much stronger and richer structure after merging with Islamic values. One of the strongest aspects of this rich cultural structure is undoubtedly Turkish tolerance. Tolerance and respect for different beliefs are one of the most important features of the cultural structure of the Turks.

Turkish culture and civilization has risen and strengthened with conquests of hearts.

We cannot explain Turkish success, which has occurred in every period of history, with weapons and physical strength alone. For example, it was not only warriors who founded the Anatolian Turkish civilization. Those who embrace all humanity with love, such as Mevlana, Hacı Bektaş Veli and Yunus Emre, have as much a role as warriors.

Great Sufis such as Mevlana, who called out to all humanity “Come even if you are an idolater, come even if you break your repentance forty times”, Yunus Emre who said “Tolerate the created because of the Creator”, and Hacı Bektaş Veli who called “Come dear ones, let’s be one”, have such an understanding of religion and Their emergence with a view of humanity is the result of Turkish tolerance.

The Turkish state administration has been tolerant towards non-Muslims as well as Muslims in terms of belief. Before the conquest of Anatolia, the Armenians living in the region and belonging to the Gregorian sect were forced to convert to the Orthodox sect by the Byzantine Greeks. Those who did not accept had their lands taken away, some of the Armenians were killed, some were imprisoned, and some were exiled. The Turks, who conquered Anatolia, ruled the Armenians with tolerance and justice. While Armenian sources talk about the oppressive rule of Byzantium, they talk a lot about the religious tolerance and fair administration of the Turks.

Every Belief is Under the Absolute Protection of the State

Non-Muslims, who were embezzled by Islamic law and therefore called zimmis, were also under the protection of Ottoman justice and tolerance.

According to the census conducted in 1477 during the reign of Fatih Sultan Mehmed Khan, the number of households in Istanbul was 16 thousand 324. While 8,951 of these households were Muslim, the others consisted of different faith groups. This situation is just one of the historical indicators of Turkish tolerance.

These households, which belong to very different religions and nations, have enjoyed the same rights as the Turkish-Muslim population for centuries. Even in the 19th century, when the Ottoman Empire was in its last years, it did not disrupt its previous understanding of equality and tolerance towards non-Muslims. As a matter of fact, II. Mahmut’s following words are the best indication of this. “I notice among my subjects the Muslims in the mosque, the Christians in the church, and the Jews in the synagogue. “They are all my true children.” In fact, in some periods, non-Muslims had more rights than Turkish-Muslim people.

The Historical and Cultural Richness in Anatolia is a Result of the Tolerance of the Turks

Although the Turkish nation has always preserved the values of different cultures, unfortunately it has not been able to receive the same tolerance from other nations. Thousands of Turkish-Islamic monuments in Europe, the Balkans, the Middle East and North Africa were destroyed as a result of the anger towards the Turkish nation.

Today, there are a total of 439 places of worship, 398 of which are churches, belonging to Christians and Jews operating in Turkey. Christians and Jews continue to practice their faith freely and safely in these churches and synagogues, with the protection of our state and the broad tolerance of our nation.

Provocateur agent Sevan Nişanyan, who often comes to the fore by insulting Turkish-Islamic values, continues to test the patience of the Turkish people by making unacceptable remarks about our call to prayer, which is one of our most sacred values. In the past period, our Prophet Hz. This prison escapee, who had the courage to insult Muhammad (PBUH) with vile words, continued his provocations and made endless insinuations towards the founder of our state, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

The provocateur named Nişanyan, who was also found guilty of building an illegal building in a protected area, continued to insult the national values of our nation in his articles. Nişanyan, who is also a close friend of Osman Kavala, the most important spy of the globalists, tried to undermine the social order with his small brain by calling for terrorism to the society. We, as the Association for Combating Unfounded Genocide Claims (ASIMED), believe that the valuable prosecutors of our state will do what is necessary against this slob of a writer who has the courage to utter the Adhan-i Muhammediye. However, in addition to our deep sympathy for open or covert agents like Nişanyan and Kavala, we would also like to remind them of the sharpness of Turkish-Islamic justice.

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