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Why Syria?


The history of the Syrian Turks is based on the defeat of the Seljuks to the Ghazians in the 1040 War of Dandana, and that a arm of the Oguz has entered Syria since 1063. These settlements have gained density, especially in the Hama, Homs and Damascus region along the Valley of Aleppo, Latakia, Tripoli and the Rebel River.

In 1069-1070, Kurlu and Horseless Gentlemen completely took over southern Syria, where they established a Turkmen principality with remle, the capital. Later, the boundaries of the principality will be expanded and the Syrian Seljuk State will be established. When the Crusades began in 1096, the Turkish tribes, united with the Muslims under selahattin Eyyubi and defended the region against the Crusaders. Although the region fell into the hands of the Crusaders in 1097, in 1267, some parts of the region will be retaken by the Turks. After the death of Selahattin Eyyubi, another Turkish state, the Memluklular dominated the region. The Anatolian Seljuk State, which dominated Anatolia, was under heavy Mongolian pressure after losing its Kösedag War with the Mongols in 1243. As a result of this pressure, turkmens living especially in Kayseri and Sivas settled in the Syrian region during the time of The Sultan of Memluk Baybars. Turkmens who came to Syria during this period and settled in Damascus, took advantage of the political turmoil that emerged after the death of Ilhanlı ruler Abu Said Bahadir Khan and established the principality of Dulkadiroğlu around Elbistan in 1337. In 1516, after Yavuz Sultan Selim defeated the Mamluks in the Mercidabık War and took control of the territory of Syria, Palestine and Lebanon, the region remained under Ottoman rule until World War I.

World War I has been the most important event that changed the fate of the region, and the secret territorial-sharing agreement during this war has fallen to France's share of Sykes-Picot, as well as the regions of Syria, Lebanon, Kilikya and Mosul. After the start of the French occupation, turks living in the region immediately formed defense forces in Aleppo and Latakia and fought against the invaders.  With the Ankara agreement with the French on October 20, 1920, this region was under french mandate. Today's Syria gained independence on April 17, 1946.

Current Status of Bayır Bucak Turkmens 

The Syrian Turkmens mean the Turks of The Harrowing Parish. Syria's population is about 23 million, according to official figures. Although different figures have been put forward about the number of Turkmens here, it is estimated that the number of Turkish-speaking Turkmens in Syria is approximately one and a half million. In addition, this number increases to 3.5 – 4 million with Turkmens who have forgotten Tur
kish. Bayır Bucak Turkmens live in the area leading up to Latakia, including the Yayladag district of Hatay.  There are 36 villages in the regions between Yayladag and Latakia as Turkish villages as 2 nahiye. Since turkmen settlements are usually villages, the people are engaged in farming, rençperlik, apple production and agri
culture. All Syrian Turkmens are Sunni Muslims. The languages they speak are Arabic and Turkish. The Turkish they use is very close to Turkish Turkish. Syrian Turks are like an extension of Turkey in terms of their accents and literature. The mouth spoken in Syria is also a continuation of the Turkmen mouths spoken in the Hatay region. The accent of hama and homus turkmens is closer to ottoman Turkish. Turks are not considered minorities in Syria and are muslims on record. In public, they are called Turkmens. Bayır Bucak Turkmens are aware of their identities, but they have melted a little by mingling with the environment where they live. But they continue to describe themselves as Turkmens.

Assimilation Policies 

20. Since the middle of the 20th century, many Syrian Turks have been Arabized. In this context, Turkish has translated ground names into Arabic. For example, isali "level", Apple "Weirdiye", Citrus "Ummutuyur", Kebeli "Rabia", Kolcuk "Dura", Gökdaş "Elhadra", Icy "Selce". 
Among the reasons for the Syrian government's application of assimilation policy to Syrian Turkmens is that they do not have any social or political organization and live in a messy state. Syria has prevented Turkmens who want to go to Turkey, and those who leave secretly have confiscated their assets. Under Assad, the territory of turkmens was first used under the name of territorial reform, and then arabs were placed on this land. Turkish language education in the region was also prevented and forced Arabic education reduced the level of education of the people. In addition, the rights of Turks to choose and be elected are also restricted. In the 1994 elections, Bayır Bucak Turkmenist Adnan Karayusuf received more than 40,000 votes, but was unable to enter parl
iament. No social or political organization has been organized between Turkmens in Syria. Because turkmens are known as Syrian Arabs. Therefore, Syria has not accepted such an organization.  Some steps can be taken in the future with the law on political parties adopted by bashar al-Assad's administration as a result of internal and external pressures. However, the situation remains unclear. 
Syrian Turkmens support the opposition in the country's anti-government movements.  Turkmens who were subjected to various pressures during bashar al-Assad's era have been on their side, but are invited to a meeting to coordinate anti-regime activities in Istanbul, according to a report on August 24, 2011. they were not, and they were able to participate only as observers because they had known at the last minute from such a meeting. Ali Ozturkmen, a spokesman for the Syrian Turkmen Movement (STH), which is still in the process of organizing, has criticised the Turkish government for not showing interest in Turkmens in Syria.


Bayır Bucak Turkmens have a great interest in Turkey. In Turkey, the demands for reading, working and starting businesses are intense. For this reason, Turkmens who forget Turkish also have a desire to learn again. In this context, the introduction of the Free Trade Agreement between Syria and Turkey and the removal of visas between the two countries since 2009 have been welcomed by the Turkmens in the region. In other words, developments in Turkey-Syria relations have brought relief to the Syrian Turkmens and supported by them.

Although the situation in Syria remains unclear today, there is a danger of a civil war as the insurgency provokes sectarian separation. Taking this possibility into consideration, the AKP Government needs to develop a policy on Turkmens in the region. Because relations between Turkey and Syria have been strained by Turkey's increase in criticism of assad's regime. In order to show the Turkmens that they are not unclaimed, at least for Turkey to take steps to improve social relations with its descendants in Syria and to provide support for their organization. Important. Otherwise, the oppression and persecution experienced by the Iraqi Turkmens in the event of a civil war in the case of the Syrian Turkmens in the event of a civil war, Turkey will suffer from not owning its descendants.

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