In Germany, the Armenian issue has been re-raised in recent days. Unfortunately, this organization is also headed by a representative of Turkish origin. The German Federal Assembly first discussed a motion on the issue in April last year, but no vote was made.
While the federal government refrained from using the term genocide, President Joachim Gauck and Federal Assembly Speaker Norbert Lammert clarified the concept of genocide.
Michael Grosse-Brömer, Federal Parliamentary Group Manager of the Christian Union Parties (CDU/CSU), said the motion on the events of 1915 would likely be voted on on June 2. Earlier, on the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the 1915 events, the vote was held on April 24th. However, this attempt ended before it could take place.
The turkish-born deputy mentioned above, Green Party Co-Chair Cem Özdemir said in a statement, "We would like the joint motion to come to the Federal Parliament much earlier. But more importantly than history, it is that all parties will speak the same language. In the end, he'll use clear and clear statements in the Federal Assembly to make us happy. he says he is very hopeful.
Cem Özdemir, who frequently supports the PKK terrorist organization under the name of a democratic solution, grows cannabis in his home and uses cannabis, and is eagerly trying to get this bill adopted in Germany.
We as the Association for the Fight against Unsubstantiated Genocide Allegations (ASİmED) bill to be discussed in the Federal Assembly of Germany is a historic mistake, a possible adoption is a great injustice to both the Turks and the Germans who were allies of the Ottoman empire in World War I that the decision on a historical issue cannot be taken in parliaments, which are the center of politics, especially in the negative process of Turkish-German relations, which are trying to develop strong co-operation on the refugee crisis in recent times. Turkish, English and German letters, indicating that it may cause, we started to send them to the group direction of all parties represented in the Federal Parliament.
Our citizens who wish to participate in our campaign can send the following texts to the parliamentarians who have been given email addresses and who have been infected with the group in the German Federal Assembly.
President of ASİmED
Dr. War Does Not Bend
- info(at)
Dear Parliamentary
We write this letter to you with our sincerest respects, good wishes and hopeful heart that we have to reach a fair world. Another reason we wrote our letter with peace of mind is the great resentment that we believe exists in your soul against injustices and our belief that you have a strong intelligence that can solve these injustices in rational ways.
As you know very well, the friendship and alliance between Germany and the Republic of Turkey dates back many years. Our countries have fought for many peaceful purposes, even centuries later, and will continue to do so. And as you know, with its historical and geographical location of the Republic of Turkey, its military and economic power, its peaceful policy and its tolerant structure from the depths of history, the power to make significant contributions to solving many more problems and capable of.
However, the so-called Armenian genocide laws, which are on the agenda in your parliament at regular intervals, which are not based on a scientific basis, have become able to loosen the deep ties between the two countries. Although these decisions are not binding, the fact that certain focuses that provide rant from this lie are gaining strength by the adoption of a bill on genocide allegations in the parliament of an effective and powerful country such as Germany, with concern by the Turkish Nation. Being monitored. It is inevitable that such initiatives will lead to road accidents in afghanistan, Iraq, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and the Middle East and in the course of relations of our countries that are cooperating and cooperating in the Refugee Crisis.
Throughout history, a great smear and smear campaign has been launched against the turkish nation, who have lived with human dignity and dignity, who wish for help, who want help, and who have reached out to friendship and peace throughout history, in the eyes of the world public. Unfortunately, the Turkish people who have been subjected to many disasters in the World War, which we are allied with, have unfortunately been subjected to attacks that do not completely correspond to historical facts and are aimed at dismembering the territorial integrity of the Republic of Turkey. . Even the right to "self-defense", which is the most fundamental right of international law and human rights, is ignored when it comes to Turkey and Turks.
The Armenian diaspora, which is the beneficiary of this whole smear and defamation campaign, has two main objectives. One is to keep the Armenian community on the agenda of the world public, and the second is to obtain annuities by providing donations to dozens of foundations, churches, parties, magazines and publishing houses that continue to exist in line with the so-called genocide tales.
As you know, i'm not going to let Armenians organize ceremonies around the world every year on April 24th, reminiscent of the so-called genocide, and engage in various activities. One of his most important goals is that he is not going to be able to do that. April 24th is the acceptance and announcement of April 24 as the day when armenians were subjected to so-called genocide. The date of April 24th, in which you will give a speech dedicated to the Armenians, has nothing to do with the practice of relocation or the so-called genocide.
In the face of the Armenian uprising and massacres carried out by the Armenians, the Ottoman government told armenian patriarchs, Armenian deputies and dignitaries of the Armenian people, "If the Armenians continue to shoot and slaughter Muslims from behind, the necessary measures are necessary. he said he would receive it." However, the need to secure the front line due to the increasing concentration of events, the increase in attacks on vulnerable Turkish women and their children, and the army being at war on many fronts. Ther
efore, on April 24, 1915, the Armenian Committees were closed, and 235 of its directors were arrested for operating against the state. The detainees were sent to Ankara and Çankırı prisons, and the vast majority of them were later released. April 24th, when the Diaspora Armenians call each year the "anniversary of the so-called Armenian genocide", is the date when 235 committeeists were arrested.
We don't expect special treatment or mercy from anyone. As a Turkish nation, all we want is to end the slander and injustice slurs of our nation. The equal and fair implementation of international law and the principles and decisions of the United Nations. There is no legal and legitimate basis for acting in advance without paying attention to what conditions should be established in order to define an event as genocide. We strongly reject and vehemently reject the claims and decisions of those who do not need to look at what happened in 1915 and beyond, that we committed genocide against Armenians, as unfair, immoral and slanderous. We invite all states and anyone who rules with their conscience to not being a tool for the diaspora, which is a prisoner of Armenian communists and obsessions, to not to be a tool for its never-ending hatred and hatred, fairness, justice and impartiality."
The Honourable Parliamentary
We write this letter to you with the feeling of our most sincere respect, best wishes and our heart which is inspired with hope in order to have a fair world. Besides this, another reason for writing the letter with the warmest feeling free from any prejudice is that we believe (that) you have fury in your soul against injustices and you have got a very powerful and mind to solve these logic ways .
As you know very well, the friendship and alliance between the United States of America and the Turkish Republic date back a very long time. The Federal Republic of Germany and the Turkish Republic have struggled for many peaceful purposes about which will be talked about even centuries after centuries and will continue to struggle. And as you know well, Turkish Republic with its historical and geographical position, military and economic power, peaceful politics and character tolerant coming from depths of the history has power and competence to provide important contributions to solve many more problems.
However, so-called Armenian genocide draft-bills, which are not based on the trusthworthy basis and facts, coming up periodically in your parliament are on the verge of weakening the deep ties between two countries. Even if these decisions aren't bindings, with the approval of draft-bills related to so-called genocide allegations in such an effective and powerful parliament like Germany, certain foundations gain power from this lie and this situation is watched solicitously By Turkish Nation. If this kind of initiatives are going, relations between our countries which are very collaborative, and activities in Afghanistan, Iraq, Eastern European, Caucasian and Middle East and refugee crisis seem unavoidable to cause road accidents.
In recent years, in the world public opinion, a big aspersion and smear campaign have been started against Turkish Nationality who has lived through the ages with human dignity and given his peaceful hand to the aggrieved, helpless and oppressed people. Especially during the First World War, Turkish People who allied of Germans have been faced with a great many of international disasters, unfortunately, have been exposed to invasions which, without a doubt, are deliberate, are not based on the historical facts and with the intention of demolishing The Turkish Republic territorital integrity. Even the most basic right "self defence" of the international law and human right is ignored when The People of Turkey and Turkish are concerned.
Armenian diaspora who causes all these big aspersion and smear campaigns, has two basic purposes. One of them is to keep Armenian Nation as a current issue in the agenda in the world public opinion; and the second one is to gain unearned income by funds providing tens of charitable foundations, churches, magazines, political parties and publishing houses, all of which continue to exist because of the disciples called so-genocide.
As you know, each year on April 24 Armenians do many activities by organizing ceremonies in order to call to mind so-called genocide all over the world and one of the most important of Armenians is to make 24 April announced and accepted as the day of so-called Armenian genocide in the world's leading countries. 24 of April when you will also make a speech addressing to the Armenian, does not have any relation with carrying out displacement nor with so-called genocide.
In view of Armenian massacres and rebellions, Ottoman goverment announced to Armenian patriarch, Armenian parliamentaries and leading ones of Armenian public that 'If Armenians continue to stab in the back and assassinate muslims, we will take the necessary precautions'. However, these activities' becoming more intensified gradually rather than ceasing, the increase of attacks against defenceless Turkish women and children and the Army's being in war at various fronts caused us to secure interior territory behind the borders.
Accordingly, on april 24, 1915, the Armenian commitees were closed and 235 of their directors were arrested due to the crime of performing activities against the goverment. People who were under arrest were sent to the prisons of Ankara and Çankırı. As you see 24th April which is called anniversary of so-called Armenian genocide by Armenian diaspora, is just the date of arresting these 235 marauders.
We don't expect any special treatment or compassion from anyone. As Turkish Nation, all we want is the unjustices and aspersion made against our nation to come an end and the principles and decisions of International Law and United Nations to be be equally applied and fairly. Without paying attention to which conditions should consist of order to describe an event as a genocide, acting prejudically does not have any lawful basis.
We strongly reject allegations and decisions of people who do not need to take into consideration the events happening in 1915 and afterwards by finding these allegations and decisions unfair, immoral and aspersions. We invite all the countries and everyone judging with their consciences to justice, equity and not to be an instrument of endless grudge and detestation of Armenian commitians and diaspora who are captured by their obsessions but to be impartial.
Finally, before you make your speech this year, we would like to remember the following sentence written in the literary work of Armenian historian Mateos about 950 years ago: "The heart of Turks was full of compassion and towards kindness the christians. They brought affluence, peace and happiness to the Armenian people."
Association of Struggle Against so-called Genocide Claims
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